Tuesday, November 6, 2007

RE appointment

The RE called the house today (for the first time!!!) and left a message. We have a group orientation on the 2oth. Emotions are mixed. I'm excited that we're moving forward and incredibly nervous at the same time. I want to meet others who face the same struggles we do, but that seems strange too. I am extremely happy that our appointment is so soon. I was afraid they would get our paperwork and we would have to wait a month or so for an appointment.

I still kind of have that empty feeling I talked about before, where I just don't seem to feel anything. Still not sure what that is.

We're having parent/teacher conferences this week which just reminds me even more how badly I want to have my own child to go to conferences for. My students are like my children, but in such a limited way.

I want a baby.

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