Friday, August 22, 2008

3rd Beta in

and it's 4,848! Woohoo!

We are so pregnant.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

5 week mark

So, things are going well. I'm anxious for my follow up beta on Thursday (19dp5dt), just because it is nice to have the reassurance that everything is going the way it should.

Symptom wise, each day varies. I've had a fair share of headaches; still broken out like crazy on my chin; and OMG the bloat!! I wore my loosest pair of jeans to dinner with my parents on Saturday and was so bloated by the end that I actually bruised the area above my belly button. My abs are still sore! So I moved onto elastic waiste capris and jogging pants (on vacation, thankfully). I'm still trying to figure out my wardrobe when my month of vaca is over (year round is a wonderful thing).

I'll update on Friday once I get the beta results. First u/s is scheduled for Wed., Sept. 3rd (can't wait!!).

On the puppy front, we did finally name him...Banjo!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New puppy!

He doesn't quite have a name yet, but here he is!

Monday, August 11, 2008

We doubled!

Got the best phone call from one of the nurses today. Our second beta came back at...88! We more than doubled, woohoo!!!

Now that I'm pregnant, all meds are covered, so the clinic is ordering more estradiol and prog. in oil w/ syringes and it's covered under insurance!!

I will have one more beta in ten days and then we get to see our little one (or ones) on September 3rd.

I finally feel just purely happy, without a nagging little voice. I allowed myself to go out and get a pregnancy book (Your Pregnancy, Week by Week).

And, to top everything off, we are getting a new dog tomorrow. A beautiful beagle from our local shelter. He is too precious!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Guess What?

We're pregnant!!!

At 7dp5dt we have a beta of..................41!!!

I can't even describe how wonderful this is...what a blessing!

And thank you to all of you for supporting me and keeping me going.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

2 made it to freeze

Which I'm happy with. They only freeze top quality embryos, so the odds of both thawing well are good.

What's killing me is waiting for Saturday and my beta. I know it's only like 3 days away, but right now it's like waiting a year.

Keep everything crossed and pray to whomever you believe in for Saturday to be a good phone call and not a bad phone call.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

bedrest city

Well, I'm back from the egg transfer. Dr. Vu told us that we have three Grade 1A blastocysts and a few that may become blastocysts in 24 to 48 hours. We put back two and asked them to culture out the slow starters a few more days.

It was such an emotional moment seeing that little blip of movement on the sonogram as he released the fluid and eggs into my uterus. DH squeezed my hand as I cried. What an amazing moment.

On the ride home I rode reclined, which led to mostly sleeping on the way home too.

DH has been super cute and protective. He rubbed my belly on the way home; wouldn't even let me carry my purse; and has given me a sweet setup in the bedroom complete with laptop and snacks.

I'm so lucky.

Snuggle in embies, we love you so much already.