Saturday, August 2, 2008

bedrest city

Well, I'm back from the egg transfer. Dr. Vu told us that we have three Grade 1A blastocysts and a few that may become blastocysts in 24 to 48 hours. We put back two and asked them to culture out the slow starters a few more days.

It was such an emotional moment seeing that little blip of movement on the sonogram as he released the fluid and eggs into my uterus. DH squeezed my hand as I cried. What an amazing moment.

On the ride home I rode reclined, which led to mostly sleeping on the way home too.

DH has been super cute and protective. He rubbed my belly on the way home; wouldn't even let me carry my purse; and has given me a sweet setup in the bedroom complete with laptop and snacks.

I'm so lucky.

Snuggle in embies, we love you so much already.


Away2me (Deanna) said...

Hoping one or both stick!

Ariella said...

Snugle in little embies, snuggle in tight.

Congrats on your two little embies! I hope you get one or two to freeze too.

Susan_M said...

Stick Stick Stick!!! Good Luck!