Tuesday, August 19, 2008

5 week mark

So, things are going well. I'm anxious for my follow up beta on Thursday (19dp5dt), just because it is nice to have the reassurance that everything is going the way it should.

Symptom wise, each day varies. I've had a fair share of headaches; still broken out like crazy on my chin; and OMG the bloat!! I wore my loosest pair of jeans to dinner with my parents on Saturday and was so bloated by the end that I actually bruised the area above my belly button. My abs are still sore! So I moved onto elastic waiste capris and jogging pants (on vacation, thankfully). I'm still trying to figure out my wardrobe when my month of vaca is over (year round is a wonderful thing).

I'll update on Friday once I get the beta results. First u/s is scheduled for Wed., Sept. 3rd (can't wait!!).

On the puppy front, we did finally name him...Banjo!

1 comment:

Susan_M said...

Glad that things are going well so far! Good luck with your next beta. Love your puppy!