Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First Clinic appointment and schedule

So, I totally love our RE (Dr. Vu). He is super humorous. He says we're the kind of patients that make the clinic look good (Yay!). Our case manager is super nice and everyone at the clinic really goes out of their way to make you feel important and special (Kaiser in Sacramento). Pricing is actually pretty darn good. Grand total, we will probably shell out about 13,000. Also, long-term embryo storage is really affordable, so on the whole we are really, really pleased.

Scheduling wise, we will start BCP in mid-June (at the start of my next cycle). Then stimming will start in July. Retrieval will happen sometime during the last two weeks of July (they will put me out...thank goodness). RE says we will probably go for a 5 day transfer. Beta #1 will probably be mid August.

I'm excited and scared all in one...but focusing on the prize...a child.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Looks like we will be Cycle Buddies. Good Luck!