Sunday, January 13, 2008

Tomorrow's the big day

Well, it's finally here. After numerous OB appointments, the urologist, and lots of blood work, tomorrow we get to know what this all points towards.

We will meet with the RE, get an internal ultrasound (shouldn't I at least get dinner first?) and have a actual, honest-to-goodness, here is what we do next kind of plan...I'm nervous (don't want to have to do injectables, but I'm ready for anything) and excited, and a little scared (what if he says our chances are like, nada?).

On a less than stellar note, I haven't gone in for urine HPT because I'm spotting again. My body hasn't decided if this is going to turn into AF or not. However, it is slightly embarrassing, because things will be a little messy for the RE. I know he does things like this all the time, but that doesn't help.

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