Tuesday, July 29, 2008

ER and fert report

ER itself went fine. The last thing I remember is them putting my oxygen mask on and then next they were asking me to shimmy my hiney onto the bed. As soon as they wheeled me out, I started cramping. My body was definitely not pleased with getting everything sucked out of it. I was extremely uncomfortable for about 12 hours, but as it came toward bedtime, things got better. Let me tell you though, using the restroom...not fun.

Today is much better. I did stay home again today (which was good, still sore), and just heard my fert report.

Out of 19 eggs, 18 were mature. All 18 were ICSI'd, and 13 are up and growing.

13 embabies...13 babies...13 possible children sitting in a little dish in an incubator, just waiting for their parents.

God, I can't wait.

They will call tomorrow or Thursday morning and tell me if it will be 3 day or a 5 day transfer (right now, it looks like 5).

I can't wait to be a mom.


Away2me (Deanna) said...

Lucky 13. That is awesome! Hope you feel less sore tomorrow.

Ariella said...

13 out of 18 is great! I mean those are really awsome numbers!

Susan_M said...

Hope you are feeling better today. Great numbers!